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Love: Remembering the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola

It’s that love that I remember this feast of St. Ignatius. Certainly God’s love made manifest in the form of Jesus is an integral part of Ignatius’ story. And after my trip to El Salvador a year ago, I now have a better understanding of that love because of the witness of Blessed Oscar Romero.

The Ignatian Examen: An Invitation to a Little Peace Along the Parenting Journey

Ignatian Examen: I invite you to join me and, more than that, I wish you peace along the journey that is parenting.

170+ Advocacy Organizations Say “No” to Federal Prosecution of Asylum Seekers and Migrants

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Over 170 civil rights, human rights, and faith-based organizations expressed their concern with the ongoing criminal prosecution by U.S. Attorneys of asylum seekers and migrants in a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch today.