Images of immigrant children detained in cages, separated from family members, and living in unsanitary, unhealthy conditions have outraged the nation in recent days. The faith community has decried this treatment of children not only as a violation of human dignity and rights but also as contrary to religious teachings and the sacred call to care for people who are most at risk, especially children.

Ignatian Solidarity Network is one of a number of national Catholic social justice organizations involved with organizing the Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children on September 4th in Newark, New Jersey—comprised of immigrant community leaders, Catholic clergy, religious brothers and women religious, Catholic lay leaders and a wide range of supporters.

Join in solidarity with these leaders by making a call to the White House and asking them to “end child detention.”

Submit your information on the form found on this page and you will be provided with a phone call script. You will also be given the option to share any response or feedback you receive during the call.