Living in Love

BY DEVI ZINZUVADIA | January 6, 2020
Sunday’s Readings

This new year and new decade are, for the moment, fresh with the promise of what could be. Many of us might briefly consider what has been left behind, forgotten, abandoned, or released as we move forward. Consider the promise held in Psalm 72: Lord, every nation will adore you. At the moment in which we find ourselves, it is hard to envision being universally adored for the choices and actions of our nation as in the psalmist’s appreciation of “divine justice and blessing.” Solomon, here both king and son of king, governs the Lord’s people with justice… shall rescue the poor when he cries out… shall have pity for the lowly… and the lives of the poor he shall save.

It is difficult to imagine presently, bracing as we are—as we so often are—for the fallout from our leaders’ decisions and the impact of what is to come. As we read Matthew’s Gospel account, we might wonder—would this behavior be recognizable to Herod, this acting from fear, mistrust, and hatred? Possibly. But still, we find hope. At the Epiphany, of course, we reclaim our hope as we experience Jesus’ appearance to us. Yesterday marks the end of our Christmas season; we’ve followed the star and made our way—belatedly, but eventually—to where we’re meant to be. It’s not a road we can always see clearly, but a path that can be trusted as having been paved by God’s grace. We’ve heard it said that this love is meant for everyone, that there is no end to its depth or breadth. So let us remember to live in this love always, no matter what sorrows or joys may come.

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