Solo Dios Basta, God Alone Fills Us

BY CRYSTAL CATALAN | August 30, 2021
Sunday’s Readings

Nada te turbe, nada te espante, solo Dios basta. Every time I hear these beautiful words of St. Teresa of Avila sung by the Taizé Community, I am reminded in its translation that “God alone fills us.” I am reminded that even in the midst of this ongoing, painful pandemic, God is still there, and here, and with me, and with all of us. 

Solo Dios Basta, God Alone Fills Us

During this time, I have had to learn how to be flexible with plans. I have had to learn to no longer be surprised when an event is cancelled, postponed, or moved to the virtual setting. I have had to give up control. Sure there was disappointment, but then traditions started to look different, and I learned to see things differently with new eyes. Oh, the many possibilities!

Likewise, in the school setting, there was the invitation to rethink service opportunities and immersion trips. The “Well, this is how we have always done it!” no longer held weight, and I found myself going back to the why. I recognized that the why of acts of charity and justice remained the same: because each human life is sacred and we are called to uphold the human dignity in each person. And so, the invitation now was in the how

Yes, I tried to cling as hard as I could to our traditional way of programming, but the time called me to think differently and creatively, and to still keep my eyes and heart fixed on faith, justice, equity, peace, love, inclusion, and mercy. And as long as I took intentional steps towards emphasizing those values in our programming, I could not be disturbed when I would find out my Plans A through C were no longer possible, and had to quickly come up with a Plan D. 

Still, when moments seem impossible, I have learned to draw closer to the heart of God, continue to do justice, invite others to do the same, and remember that God has and will always go before me. And with that, solo Dios basta.

3 replies
  1. Dr Eileen Quinn Knight
    Dr Eileen Quinn Knight says:

    As the author, Crystal, states we need to draw even closer to the heart of God. I begin to chant throughout the day: “Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, Oh Sacred Heart Devine, All praise and all Thanksgiving be every moment thine”. To draw closer to the heart of Jesus is to bring to the world His love and compassion. If we are able to accomplish that we also bring the justice that is needed in our ordinary lives whether it is showing love for someone who annoys us, for giving someone else a place in the many lines we are a part of throughout the day, or it is stopping to say a prayer for the person who annoys us at work. The heart of Jesus overflows with love.:.We are thankful for the many acts of kindness that are offered to us: the priest who offers the Holy Sacrfice of the Mass and leads us in prayer, the head of the Bible study who studies the passages so they can lead without worry, in thanksgiving to our boss who gives us a break as they see the fatigue on our faces, we are thankful for the person who cleans off our car when debris is strewn all over it, we ae thankful to God for His willingness to listen and be part of our prayer.

  2. Elaine
    Elaine says:

    This was so peacefully expressed, Crystal. In all things we must pray what psalm 46 reminds us of “Be still and know that I am God.” I am going to memorize “Solo Dios Basta” and pray on that often. Thank you.

  3. Dr.Cajetan Coelho
    Dr.Cajetan Coelho says:

    Thanks Crystal. Faith, justice, equity, peace, love, inclusion, and mercy are vital ingredients for an ethically healthy world-building.


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