Gifts Stirred Into Flame

Gifts Stirred Into Flame

BY KATIE LACZ | October 3, 2022
Sunday’s Readings

The Gospel this week uses both strange and blatantly uncomfortable imagery, seemingly incongruent with Jesus’ message of raising up the humble and humbling those in power.

As he speaks with his disciples, he uses concepts from the world around him: mustard seeds, mulberry trees, and—unfortunately—the reality of enslavement. It sure sound like Jesus is suggesting that it should be normal and expected for a slave to work tirelessly with no thanks from their master. We blunt our discomfort by using words like “servant,” but the Greek word used really is better translated as “slave.” 

As I sit with my own discomfort, I reflect on the words of womanist theologian Dr. Wil Gafney: “Jesus was a rabbi, he would have never wanted us to cling to the letters and syntax of these texts as though they were his very body and blood but rather, his spirit and the Spirit of God, blow through them, ruffling and disturbing them and permitting us to read new truths in and out of them and, not lose sight of the ancient stories that are also part of our shared heritage.”

So what does the Spirit allow us to read as She ruffles and disturbs us with the words of Jesus’ stories? 

The disciples tell Jesus, “Increase our faith.” I say “tell,” not “ask,” because it is phrased as a demand, not a question. But behind it you can hear the echoes of the famous question of the first reading: “How long, O Lord?” There is violence and destruction and misery, and you ask us these seemingly impossible things: leaving behind our families to follow you, healing those who are hurting, loving our enemies. Jesus responds with what feels like some sarcasm, essentially saying, “You think you have faith? If you had even a *speck* of it you could replant this mulberry tree into the ocean with only a word.”

And he explains what their faith should be like using the central, uncomfortable image of a slave who, after toiling all day, is told by their master to go and cook dinner and wait on the master before being fed themselves. Here in the U.S., we know in a particular way the evil of enslavement and the horrific abuses it entailed. How on earth could Jesus suggest that that was the right order of things, even comparing it to the relationship between God and God’s disciple? 

But let us act on the presumption—maybe faith the size of a mustard seed—that the Spirit of God is blowing through this passage, revealing something to us. Jesus was pointing out to the disciples, who wanted “tree flying into the sea” faith (per Rachel Held Evans), that the faith he is asking for is more grounded, humbler, fulfilling our required duties—though they are duties asked of us by a loving God instead of a harsh master. 

It is the steadfastness of doing those small, daily works that “stirs into flame,” as Paul writes, the gift of God’s love and enduring vision for the world. That vision, even though we experience despair and doubt, will be fulfilled and will not disappoint.

For Reflection: 

  • What do you do when your initial reading of a Gospel story feels contrary to how you understand Jesus? How might you approach God in this situation, knowing God is a loving Parent? 
  • What gift does God “stir into flame” within you?
5 replies
  1. Dr. Eileen Quinn Knight
    Dr. Eileen Quinn Knight says:

    God stirs into my heart the desire to evangelize. God gave me the gift to know/love/serve him early in life and since then I’ve wanted to share His word and work with others. People like to talk about their relationship with God once they find the words that fulfills that relationship. Even more they want to act like the disciples in the Acts of the Apostles and fulfill His devotion to the kingdom of God on earth by taking care of the migrants, by assisting the homeless, by offering others food and drink, by praying for others. These are all the gifts that God gives us in our life as we ask Him to do so. Each one of us can ‘fan into a flame’ the gift that God has given us as we expand and deepen the word of God. Let us use our Gift this week to evangelize the kingdom of God on earth.

  2. Mary
    Mary says:

    I look at the Luke passage differently. If you read Luke 17, starting in verse 1 you see that Jesus asks his disciples to forgive more than 7 times. The response is “Give us more faith.” He basically says, you don’t need more faith to forgive. Even a minuscule amount of faith is enough to to do big things. It’s a choice to forgive. Instead of making us feel like we don’t have enough faith he is telling us we do using the images of things that would be ordinary to them.

  3. Mary Anne Matarese
    Mary Anne Matarese says:

    Thanks, Katie, for a wonderfully insightful reflection. Your teaching helped me a lot in understanding some “difficult” Scripture passages. What a gift you have. Thanks for sharing.
    Mary Anne Matarese
    Wilmington, Delaware

  4. Dr.Cajetan Coelho
    Dr.Cajetan Coelho says:

    Thanks for the nice reflection. Concepts from the world like mustard seeds, mulberry trees, Spirit blowing, and ocean show an eco-friendly Jesus.

  5. sonja
    sonja says:

    To have the faith of a slave means to me to put God first in all things throughout each day.
    To comprehend the Gospel we need to couch it in things we can relate to in our own land and culture. For example, what is a very small seed in New Zealand? The mighty Pohutakawa tree has a seed smaller than a dandelion, that starts life in the drifting sands of the seashore. And yet develops into an enormous tree in which all manner of birds sing, indigenous, visitors, and migrants.


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