Entries by Guest Blogger

Pigs Just Know

Jesuit Volunteer Reflects: Because, like the pigs, I know when I’m home. It’s a feeling deep down in my heart and in my core. I know when I’m home when I’m called to be more loving. I know when I’m home when I’m called to be more patient. I know when I’m home when I’m called to be more forgiving. When I’m home, I know that I have been fed through the nourishment of my soul, and that is hard to measure or put on a to do list.

Tied in a Single Garment

I felt a gut-wrenching sense of tension: as an advocate, pride in what Pope Francis said about justice; as a gay man, disappointment and betrayal. As hundreds around me cheered, I stayed in my chair and thought: was Pope Francis talking about same-sex marriage? Was he talking about the children of same-sex couples? In his eyes, am I one of those people who is “threatening” the very idea of family? Am I overreacting?