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Legacies – UCA Martyrs

This year is the 25th anniversary of the murders of the UCA martyrs—November 16th, to be exact. The UCA, or University of Central America in San Salvador, El Salvador, will forever be memorialized as a place of heroic social justice, where six Jesuits, their housekeeper and her daughter were brutally slain one November evening by members of the Salvadoran army.
Thomas Massaro, S.J.

Martyrs of El Salvador: Hoping for Some Pale Reflection of Their Inspiration

I hope that anybody who looks at my life’s work will discern some pale reflection of the inspiration of the martyrs of El Salvador.

Jesuit Martyrs: I thought my heart had barely anything to give

Visiting the UCA Memorial Rose Garden was one of the last things we did the day before leaving San Salvador. It was in March that I went to El Salvador on Alternative Spring Break with a group of students from St. Mary’s Student Parish at the University of Michigan. After hearing all of the stories of tragedy, massacre, and heartbreak from that week, I thought my heart had barely anything left to give.