

What Is This Hope?

For too long I have operated under a false hope, the cheap hope society has offered me. I have hoped, in vain, that I can hide from Ferguson.

Jesuit Volunteer Reflects: Advent – Called to Something Simple

Last Christmas brought perspective, providing me with a crash course to my JV experience. It asked me to be present to it all—the awkwardness of something new, the season, the budding relationships. As I enter Advent with a year of JVC under my belt, I understand that Christmas and Advent calls me into something simple: time spent with those I love, those I call my community. It invites me into what simplicity has meant for me this year, an attentive presence.

Advent: A Creed of Cosmic Proportions

As we enter the Advent season, James Hug, S.J., offers some questions of cosmic proportions to ponder about ourselves, our relationship with others and with God.