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A Case for the Environment: Sustainability, Solidarity & Spirituality Are Intrinsically Linked

God calls us to preserve the natural environment to the best of our ability. Sustainability is carefully using natural resources while still reserving some of those resources for continued development. This means that we cannot use all our resources at once for a singular purpose. We must think critically about where these resources are going and what we might gain from them. Material goods are not the end-all, be-all of life; in fact, they effectively detract from our ability to strengthen our spirituality. The Jesuits advocate for simplicity, and this lifestyle is what allows followers of Christ to build divine ties without the mundane distractions of this world.

Observations from Ferguson

Monday night, we, along with three other Jesuits currently studying at St. Louis University, went to Ferguson to be present with the community there for the press conference where we learned that Darren Wilson would not be indicted for killing Michael Brown. Much has happened very quickly in the last 24 hours and we have been asked to share our experience.