

Walsh Jesuit Trash Audit Transforms Habits of Students and Faculty

A trash audit, Walsh Jesuit Green Team's most recent project, has been a huge success and the findings are hitting the hearts of students and faculty.

To Change Everything, We Need Everyone

In our letters and phone calls, we articulated many of the justice issues addressed in Laudato Si’-- concerns about the environment, the EPA, the Dakota Access Pipeline, preservation land, and environmental justice to name a few. But we also spoke of refugees, immigrants, education and civil rights.

Awareness and Collaboration: Ignatian Carbon Challenge at Walsh Jesuit High School

“I found the Ignatian Carbon Challenge to be a perfect way to live out one [characteristic of] the Jesuit Grad at Grad: committed to justice,” shares Roman Gioglio. “Students hear a lot about this component, and I was ecstatic when I was able to directly do this through the Ignatian Carbon Challenge.”