
Honduras 2009 | SOURCE: Eduardoferreira
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PODCAST: Few Options in Honduras As Violence Grows

In light the growing violence in Honduras, the recent U.S. media attention to the growing number of undocumented children being cared for in federal facilities in border states and the continued national debate we invited to Shaina Aber, policy director at the U.S. Jesuit Conference Social and International Ministries office to speak about the report.
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Immigration: Voices of Faith Respond to House Republican Perspectives

BY CHRIS KERR | February 4, 2014 On January 30th  Republican leadership in the House of Representatives released "Principles on Immigration" outlining their blueprint for immigration reform.  We are excited by the potential for further…

Immigration: Shutdown Ends & Debate Heats Up | Policy Update

Now that the government shutdown has ended serious debate on comprehensive immigration reform can begin in the U.S. House of Representatives. Shaina Aber (Policy Director, U.S. Jesuit Conference Social & International Ministries) and Mary Small (Assistant Director for Policy, Jesuit Refugee Service USA) offer an overview of current legislation and specific analysis of five house bills being proposed.