
Making Sense: U.S. Census Poverty Data

The ISN staff recently interviewed Matt Cuff, Policy Associate at the U.S. Jesuit Conference Social and International Ministries Office, to discuss the U.S. Census 2012 data and what it tells us about the state of poverty in our country.
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ISN joins Jesuit Organizations in Supporting the Protecting Family Values at the Border Act

The Ignatian Solidarity Network has joined Jesuit Conference, Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, and the Kino Border Initiative in supporting H.R. 3130, the Protect Family Values at the Border Act. This legislation protects the lives of vulnerable migrants and respects principles of Catholic social teaching which honor the dignity of all persons.

As the House Returns: Immigration Policy Update

Shaina Aber (Policy Director, U.S. Jesuit Conference Social & International Ministries) and Mary Small (Assistant Director for Policy, Jesuit Refugee Service USA) offer an overview of current legislation and specific analysis of five house bills being proposed.