

University Leaders Summit Creates Spaces for Networking Amongst Students of Jesuit Universities

Student leaders from Jesuit colleges and universities across the United States converged at the Ignatian Solidarity Network's University Leaders Summit.

Ignatian Solidarity Network Welcomes New Directors: Vince Caponi, Betty Anne Donnely, Tina Facca, Richard Hogan and Maggie Murphy Stockson

The Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) Board of Directors has unanimously voted to welcome Vince Caponi, Betty Anne Donnelly, Tina Facca, Richard Hogan and Maggie Murphy Stockson as directors.

Orlando: Jesuit Network Responds with Prayer & LGBT Community Solidarity

As the nation continues to process what has happened in Orlando, Jesuit institutions and leaders across the country have made their own offerings of prayer, remembrance, and invitations of solidarity.