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AJCU+ Immersion Experience Coordinators COVID-19 Networking Call

Ignatian Solidarity Network will be hosting a videoconference call for immersion coordinators in higher education on Wednesday, April 29 at 1:00 PM EASTERN via Zoom. It will be a space for discussion about common challenges and innovative responses…

Witness from the Border | April 2, 2020

Join ISN live on Thursday, 4/2 at 2pm ET with Fr. Sean Carroll. S.J., Kino Border Initiative / Iniciativa Kino para la Frontera executive director, to learn about the unfolding situation on the border in light of coronavirus. PLUS, Vince…
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ACTION ALERT: Health and Safety at the Border for All

Migrants and asylum-seekers subject to this policy are coming from places where rates of infection from the virus are far lower than they are in the United States; they are placing themselves in greater danger by attempting to migrate. This speaks to the gravity of the situations they are fleeing.
