
fernando cardenal SJ - funeral

Fernando Cardenal: I am a man of hope.

The following is a personal testimony offered by Fr. Fernando Cardenal, S.J., in September 2010. Fr. Cardenal died on February 20, 2016. Translation provided by Mark Lester, Regional Co-Director of Central America for the Center for Global Education, Augsburg College.

Social Justice Advocate Fr. Fernando Cardenal, S.J., Dies at Age 82

MANAGUA, NICARAGUA - Fr. Fernando Cardenal, S.J., died earlier today, February 20, 2016 at the age of 82. Cardenal had entered a Managua hospital intensive care unit on February 9th.

“Solidarity: Through love, we are united to one another”

As we walked past the classrooms, beaming faces and tiny hands reached out to us. High pitched “hola’s” followed us everywhere we traveled. Every once in a while, petite hands snaked their way into our grasp or around our waists. We looked down to find shining little eyes staring up at us with curiosity and acceptance. Love poured from their stares, touch, and sweet little voices.