
The Jesuit Martyrs, Archbishop Romero, & Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: A non-silent retreat for men and women

Explore the lives of the Jesuit Martyrs of the University of Central America and the soon-to-be-saint Archbishop Oscar Romero.   How were they shaped by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius? Examine and pray about this Ignatian legacy…

God is a God of Surprises: The Synod & Cura Personalis

The family – the domestic church, the cell of human society – needs the larger Body of Christ to show mercy, love and care for the whole person and for all families. It is impossible to know how this mid-term report will unfold in the upcoming week and in the year leading to the Synod in 2015. Perhaps in God’s game of peek-a-boo, there will be another long silence. Nevertheless, we wait with expectant faith for the God of Surprises.
