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Who will hold the U.S. accountable for a rush to deport the most vulnerable?

On a personal note as someone who works regularly with Honduran Jesuits and lay-colleagues, and has visited the vacant neighborhoods, besieged schools and communities in San Pedro, Progreso, and Teguz, I’m shocked by the choices my government is currently making. I expect better.
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Do Not Deport the Children!

Do not deport these children. Protect them. Help them reunite with their families. Welcome the stranger. Welcome the children.
Honduras 2009 | SOURCE: Eduardoferreira
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PODCAST: Few Options in Honduras As Violence Grows

In light the growing violence in Honduras, the recent U.S. media attention to the growing number of undocumented children being cared for in federal facilities in border states and the continued national debate we invited to Shaina Aber, policy director at the U.S. Jesuit Conference Social and International Ministries office to speak about the report.