Ignacio Ellacuría S.J.’s 1982 Commencement Address at Santa Clara

What then does a university do, immersed in this reality? Transform it? Yes. Do everything possible so that liberty is victorious over oppression, justice over injustice, love over hate? Yes. Without this overall commitment, we would not be a university, and even less so would we be a Catholic university.”

Author: Ignacio Ellacuría S.J.
Source: Santa Clara University
Link: http://www.scu.edu/Jesuits/ellacuria.html

Letter to the House on H761 Commemorating the Lives and Work of the Jesuit Priests in El Salvador

Letter written by Bishop Hubbard commending member of the House on co-sponsoring H.761 to remember the murder and commemorating the lives and work of the six Jesuit Priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in El Salvador.

Source: U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Date: October 28, 2009
Link: http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/global-issues/latin-america-caribbean/el-salvador/upload/letter-to-house-from-bishop-hubbard-on-elsalvador-and-h761-2009-10-28.pdf

Remembering the Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador: Twenty Years On

Dean Brackley, S.J. shares the story of the Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador.

Author: Dean Brackley, S.J.
Source: Thinking Faith

Link: http://www.thinkingfaith.org/articles/20091116_1.htm