Higher Standards for Higher Education: The Christian University and Solidarity

Speech delivered by Dean Brackley, S.J. at the Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” (UCA) in San Salvador, 10 years after the murder of the Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador. Brackley references the work of the UCA, and then states: “We cannot hope to photocopy the UCA in the U.S. Yet, we need to ask how we can shape our universities to respond more faithfully, anduniversitariamente, to an unjust world, in a manner analogous to what the martyrs of the UCA did.” Includes an extensive look at education for solidarity.

Author: Dean Brackley, S.J.
Source: Creighton University

Link: http://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/brackley.html


Charity vs. Justice Chart

Basic chart to help clarify the difference between charity and justice

Source: Catholic Charities – Twin Cities
Link: http://www.cctwincities.org/document.doc?id=124

Ignacio Ellacuría S.J.’s 1982 Commencement Address at Santa Clara

What then does a university do, immersed in this reality? Transform it? Yes. Do everything possible so that liberty is victorious over oppression, justice over injustice, love over hate? Yes. Without this overall commitment, we would not be a university, and even less so would we be a Catholic university.”

Author: Ignacio Ellacuría S.J.
Source: Santa Clara University
Link: http://www.scu.edu/Jesuits/ellacuria.html

Love Will Decide Everything

An overview of Pedro Arrupe’s life, including: From Hiroshima to Rome, The Challenge of Vatican II, ‘A Mysticism of Open Eyes,’ Jesuit Education After Arrupe, and Rooted and Grounded in Love.

Author: Kevin Burke, S.J.
Source: America Magazine
Date: November 12, 2007
Link: http://americamagazine.org/issue/633/article/love-will-decide-everything

Four Lessons for Teaching Justice

“Here are four lessons from one who still loves teaching, who has worked for justice and peace in the international field and who is eager to help others share in that work.”

Author: Drew Christiansen, S.J.
Date: May 11, 2009
Source: America Magazine
Link: http://americamagazine.org/node/149311

Medicine and Social Justice

Paul Farmer outlines how liberation theology and a preferential option for the poor relate to global healthcare.

Author: Paul Farmer
Source: America Magazine
Date: July 15, 1995
Link: http://americamagazine.org/issue/100/medicine-and-social-justice

Depth, Universality, and Learned Ministry: Challenges to Jesuit Higher Education today

Superior General Adolfo Nicolás, S.J.’s remarks for the Mexico City Jesuit Higher Education Conference, with the theme, “Networking Jesuit Higher Education: Shaping  the Future for a Humane, Just, Sustainable Globe”

Link: http://www.sjweb.info/documents/ansj/100423_Mexico%20City_Higher%20Education%20Today_ENG.pdf

Two Feet of Love in Action

“This foundational tool describes two distinct, but complementary, ways we can put the Gospel in action in response to God’s love: social justice (addressing systemic, root causes of problems that affect many people) and charitable works (short-term, emergency assistance for individuals).”

Source: U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Link: http://www.usccb.org/about/justice-peace-and-human-development/upload/two-feet-brochure.pdf