Entries by ISN Staff


Creighton Student Wins Voices from the Margins Student Social Justice Film Contest

Stones, a short film by Creighton University student Nico Sandi, has won First Prize and the Audience Choice Award in the Voices From the Margins’15 social justice film contest co-sponsored by America Media and the Ignatian Solidarity Network. A gripping profile of the last man to be executed in Nebraska, Sandi’s entry bested 70 submissions from over 50 universities throughout the U.S.


Over 1,200 to Ask Congress to Stand with Pope Francis at 18th Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice

In what is estimated to be the largest Catholic advocacy day of the year, more than 1,200 individuals will go to Capitol Hill on Monday, November 9 to urge members of Congress to address the moral issues raised by Pope Francis during his recent visit to the U.S., including climate change and immigration. The day of advocacy is part of the 18th Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice (IFTJ) on November 7-9 in Washington, D.C., a national social justice gathering of predominately students and young adults affiliated with U.S. Jesuit institutions and the larger Catholic Church.


Kevin and Trena Yonkers-Talz Receive Legacy of the Martyrs Award

On October 7, Kevin and Trena Yonkers-Talz, co-founders and co-directors of the El Salvador-based Casa de La Solidaridad study abroad program of Santa Clara University received the “Legacy of the Martyrs” award from the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Friends, colleagues, and family members were among the 120 people in attendance at Santa Clara University’s Adobe Lodge as Kevin and Trena were recognized for their longstanding commitment to educating students about social justice issues in Central America.