My In-Tents Year of Service

These men and women have endured so much in their lives, and here they are, growing together. It was such a cheesy metaphor in my mind for my upcoming year with JVC. I want to release my apprehensions, fears, and grow together with my community.

An Examen for White Allies

As white allies for racial justice, the Ignatian Examen can guide us to be aware not only of the world around us, but how we move, act, and love within it—to reflect and be aware of the systemic racial oppression our society is built upon, and on how we not only benefit from it, but on how we can use our power and privilege to dismantle it and support people of color.

God Calls the Available

A Jesuit Volunteer finds that being available, even when she doesn't feel able, is the path to building community as a volunteer in Tanzania.