

1,200+ Educators at Jesuit Institutions Join Effort to Defend DACA

Educators at Jesuit schools and universities comprise a significant portion of the more than 1,400 educators at Catholic institutions, ranging from kindergarten through college, who are calling on the Trump administration to protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) -- a policy that currently protects from deportation up to 800,000 young immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.

Jesuit Bishop George Murry, S.J., to Chair Bishops Committee Addressing the Sin of Racism

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops today announced the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism that will be chaired by Bishop George Murry, S.J.

More Dialgoue, Less Repression: Jesuit Migration Network Expresses Grave Concern as U.S. Hosts Conference on Prosperity and Security in Central America

The Jesuit Migration Network of Central America and North America has expressed dismay about the upcoming Conference on Prosperity and Security in Central America, co-hosted by the United States and Mexico in Miami from June 15-16.