
Day 14: A Challenging Path

Jesus frequently laments the Pharisees’ legalistic worldview and the grief they cause their flock. Perhaps well meaning, perhaps not, the Pharisees strike me as tormented and insecure as they cautiously live in fear of human imperfection. Out of compulsion, they worship a false God of fire and brimstone, tit for tat, and simple rules with straightforward penalties. In other words, they worship themselves; and if we care to admit it, they are often us.

Day 13: The Ultimate Sacrifice

Recently at a Black Lives Matter symposium, I was challenged to voice what I wanted, needed and recommended from white people who aspire to become co-conspirators in the dismantling of white supremacy.

Day 12, Second Sunday of Lent | Transfiguration: Jesus is all Colors

In the Transfiguration, Jesus appears dazzlingly as all colors. White light is a mixture of all colors. His disciples saw him for who and what he really was, and is. Jesus is all colors. Jesus speaks with Moses and Elijah, something like a presidential candidate being visited by George Washington and Martin Luther King, Jr. A theophany thunders: “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.”