
University Social Justice Student Leaders Converge at ISN Leadership Summit

Twenty-seven student leaders from Jesuit and other Catholic universities across the country are converging on San Francisco, California, for the Ignatian Solidarity Network’s 2nd annual University Leadership Summit from January 13-15, 2012 at the Mercy Retreat Center in Berlingame. The ISN University Leadership Summit invites emerging leaders for social justice to spend a weekend strengthening their capacity to effect positive social change while deepening their understanding of the relationship between faith and justice emphasized in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Haiti Earthquake 2010: Reflections from the Ignatian family

BY ISN STAFF | January 12, 2012 Ignatian family: 1/12/12 - Many of us remember where we were two years ago today when we first saw images of the destruction and devastation as the Haitian people experienced one of the greatest natural…

Loyola Chicago | “March on Washington”

Loyola University Chicago students & staff were recently featured on the university blog for their involvement in the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice.