
White Savior Industrial Complex? To Volunteer or Not

In my missions here I have lived in their homes, been in the middle of their arguments, seen their tears and cried with them, witnessed the stress of financial problems and felt the terror in the lack of basic resources and amenities.

Delegation los Estados Unidos Viajarán a El Salvador a Celebrar la 25th aniversario de la muerte de los Mártires Jesuitas de El Salvador

Este año se celebra la vigesimoquinto aniversario de la muerte de los mártires jesuitas de El Salvador. Desde el 24 de julio hasta el 1 de agosto, cuarenta y seis delegados de los Estados Unidos viajarán a El Salvador. Los delegados conocerán la vida de los seis jesuitas y las dos mujeres laicas asesinados en la universidad jesuita de El Salvador el 16 de noviembre de 1989.
Where Are the Hardest Places to Live in the U.S.?

Love Your Neighbor: Where are They Struggling?

How can we be people of solidarity with those struggling in our own communities, with those highlighted here, and with those far beyond our borders?