
ACTION ALERT: Stand with Undocumented Brothers and Sisters

The Ignatian Solidarity Network joins the U.S. Jesuit Conference in asking you to stand with undocumented brothers and sisters. This week, many elected officials in the House of Representatives are planning on compromising the safety, security, and dignity of our undocumented brothers and sisters by undoing the important steps the Obama Administration has taken to address immigration reform.

What Do You Get When You Invite Two Quirky Jesuits?

What do you get when you invite two self-described "quirky Jesuits" with radio show recording equipment to the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice?

Senate Torture Report: Deception, Outrage, Nothing

The overall report shows that the Central Intelligence Agency employed torture techniques on individuals who were detained as potential threats to the United States between 2001 and 2006. The details are far more gruesome.