
Pope Francis Announces Day of “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation”

Building energy for his recent encyclical entitled Ladauto Si', Pope Francis announced September 1st as a Catholic "World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation."

Loyola University New Orleans Receives Major Gift to Support Social Justice Oriented Law Incubator Program

A new $118,500 gift to the Loyola University New Orleans College of Law from Ed and Kathy Womac of the Womac Law Firm will support the recently launched Loyola Incubator Program—a social justice oriented intensive mentorship and skills program for recent College of Law graduates who are engaged in solo law practice.

Laudato Si’: Do You Invite Your Children Into Encounter With God’s Creation?

As I stepped off a tiny airplane onto a wet tarmac in my childhood hometown, the sweet aroma of post-rain mountain air stopped me in my tracks.  Each clean breath seemed to clear from my head the smog and drought and allergies of the city…