Just a Park?

I remember going there when both of my little brothers were learning how to walk. I remember jumping from the swings, and falling from the monkey bars. I’d like to begin telling you about Juárez here. Like much of Juárez this park holds beautiful memories, but also some painful ones.

Fr. Pepe: A Brief Word about this Blog

Where are you from? "I’m from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico." Oh, I heard about the violence. It must be terrible. (Deep sigh. Tired, forced smile.) "Oh, it's better now." Some version of this conversation is annoyingly common here in St. Louis. My barber says the same happens to St. Louisans when outsiders ask them about the violence in their city.

Migration is one of world’s biggest crises. What USF plans to do about it.

This fall, the University of San Francisco (USF) is launching a unique academic program in partnership with the Jesuit university in Mexico City (Iberoamericana) to train professionals and researchers on the many perspectives involved in understanding migration and supporting the personal, social, legal and spiritual needs of migrants and refugees. USF’s Master in Migration Studies is unique not only because of its interdisciplinary approach, but because it involves continuous field experiences with migrants.