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TAKE ACTION: Support the BRIDGE Act and Protect DACA Youth

Join ISN in lifting up the call of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to encourage Congress to support the BRIDGE ACT.

Awareness and Collaboration: Ignatian Carbon Challenge at Walsh Jesuit High School

“I found the Ignatian Carbon Challenge to be a perfect way to live out one [characteristic of] the Jesuit Grad at Grad: committed to justice,” shares Roman Gioglio. “Students hear a lot about this component, and I was ecstatic when I was able to directly do this through the Ignatian Carbon Challenge.”

On Standing Rock and Allyhood

I was once again met with a sense of discomfort. How does my being there for twenty hours compare to those who have lived there for several months? What does it mean to be an ally when you are not on the front lines of the cause? Was my being there just or merely an opportunity to make myself feel better?