Day 20: Working for Justice Amidst Suffering

Last Sunday, on the way to mass at St. Sabina on the South Side of Chicago with some students, I reflected: What today would make the Spirit burn within us? the famous black preacher? the powerful music? a parishioner?

Day 19: The Cloud Over All Of Us

In segregated Atlanta in 1947, the future mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., sought his father’s advice about accepting the invitation to speak at the Community Chest drive kickoff in what was then known as the "Negro community."

Day 18: There’s a Party Waiting!

In James Weldon Johnson’s adaptation of the parable of the prodigal son, he states, “Fall down on your knees, and say in your heart: I will arise and go to my Father.” The father in the story of the prodigal son anxiously waits his son and then celebrates when he returns. It is easy to envision all of heaven in celebration.