Day 17: Who do we cast aside?

Today’s readings bring to our attention the rejection that many people of color deal with in American society. In America, people of color have historically been given the biblical role of the last child in line for an inheritance or honor, and in many ways this remains true in the present day. Black people in America were considered sub-human until a war was fought and a piece of paper was signed.

Day 16: From Indifference to Mercy

“All lives matter.” “My family didn’t own slaves.” “I don’t see color. I see people.” “My parents worked hard for everything we have.” “What about black on black crime?” “This is just another case of a few bad apples ruining the bunch.” “Don’t play the race card.”

Day 15: Reach Out Your Hand

In today's passage, Jesus speaks to his disciples on the way to Jerusalem, foreshadowing the extreme suffering that he would undergo for our redemption. Why did Jesus endure such horrendous suffering and ultimate death on the cross? Because of a passionate love for mankind! Reflecting upon his act of sacrifice—the lengths to which he went to reach us—reveals something about the importance of reaching out to those outside of our close circles, those whom we see as being “different.”