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Elimination of U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program “Against the Principles We Have as a Nation” Says Chair of USCCB Committee on Migration

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has responded to reports that the Trump Administration is considering “zeroing out” the refugee resettlement program.
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ISN Joins Hundreds of Catholic Leaders, Including 70 Arrested in Senate Rotunda While Demanding an End to Detention of Immigrant Children

As part of the ISN co-sponsored Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children, 70 Catholic leaders participated in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in the Russell Senate Office Building Rotunda, pressuring Congress and the presidential administration to end the immoral and inhumane practice of detaining immigrant children.
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ISN to Join Hundreds of Faith Leaders at Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children

On Thursday, July 18, ISN will join more than 200 Catholic sisters, priests, brothers, and lay Catholic advocates and immigrants pressuring the Trump administration and Congress to end the immoral and inhumane practice of detaining immigrant children.