Making Sense: U.S. Census Poverty Data

The ISN staff recently interviewed Matt Cuff, Policy Associate at the U.S. Jesuit Conference Social and International Ministries Office, to discuss the U.S. Census 2012 data and what it tells us about the state of poverty in our country.

Remembering Dean Brackley, S.J.

BY FÁTIMA PEÑA | October 22, 2013 I didn't meet Fr. Dean Brackley, S.J. I met him right after he was dead. In UCA’S official Facebook appeared a note that said that Fr. Dean had recently died. I simply had to see the comments in the…

Dean Brackley, S.J. | Let Us Teach Solidarity

His loss offers us a chance to examine our willingness to "lose control" and be touched in ways that call us to deeper love of our brothers and sisters. I hope you will join me in this challenging journey toward a world vision grounded in solidarity.