Sydney Browning - Georgetown University

A Campus Call to Divest from Fossil Fuels

Sydney is a sophomore at Georgetown University from Asheville, North Carolina. She is currently studying Biology and Global Health and is the co-founder and one of the head organizers of the Fossil Free Divestment from Fossil Fuels Campaign. Sydney is also involved with Georgetown's student Labor and Solidarity Group and other social justice groups on campus.

World Water Day

I'll admit it: on most days, I don't actively think about my water usage beyond the quick reduce, reuse, recycle decisions. Frankly, I often take it for granted. And then days like today come around to give me a kick in the butt and remind of what's at stake when it comes to H20--millions of lives.
Gonzaga College High School students with Governor O'Malley

Maryland Repeal of Death Penalty

After years of debate, the state of Maryland is set to repeal the death penalty. The effort has been led by Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (a graduate of Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C.).