
Be A Voice “With” the Coalition of Immokalee Workers

As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday, the CIW has invited people across the U.S. to advocate to Publix, a regional grocery chain, to join the farm workers "Fair Food Program." Included in their call is a reflection on "Two Thanksgivings," contrasting the realities of a typical U.S. family with those of a farm worker family in Immokalee - you can see the video below. Can you be a voice "with" the Coalition this Thanksgiving?

“Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is”

"Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" an interview with Josh Daly, Interim Director for the Center for Community Engagement at Loyola University New Orleans about socially responsible investing in Jesuit universities.

“Cultivate an Appreciation of Beauty”

BY ISN STAFF | November 13, 2012 Interview with Beth Ford, Campus Minister for Service and Social Justice Programs at St. Joseph's University. Interview conducted by Sadie Curtin, intern at ISN   Q: What kind of work do you do…