
Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador

Conclusion of Sentencing of Former Salvadoran Military Commander Responsible for Jesuits Massacre To Today in Boston

BY ISN STAFF | August 22, 2013 Former Salvadoran Vice Minister of Defense for Public Security Inocente Orlando Montano will be sentenced for violating federal criminal immigration fraud and perjury laws in the United States. The sentencing…
When the Gospel Grows Feet: Rutilio Grande, SJ, and the Church of El Salvador, An Ecclesiology in Context

Salvadoran Jesuit Martyr Rutilio Grande: Thomas Kelly

BY CHRIS KERR | May 30, 2013 Thomas Kelly, Ph.D., reflects on his recent book about Rutilio Grande, S.J. entitled "When the Gospel Grows Feet: Rutilio Grande, SJ, and the Church of El Salvador - An Ecclesiology in Context." Grande a…

Path to Sainthood Opening Up for Archbishop Oscar Romero

BY CHRIS KERR | April 22, 2013 ISN staff report 4/22/13 - Across the Americas there may be signs of hope for the eventual sainthood of the slain archbishop of El Salvador, Óscar Arnulfo Romero.  Romero was gunned down while celebrating…