
Day 25: The Certainty of Dawn

If future generations are to understand these rich natural Biblical metaphors, then we must preserve both the language and the reality of nature’s beauty. God’s nourishing qualities are mirrored in the nourishing qualities of nature, in the live-giving capacity of our earth. And by nourishing the Earth, we help ensure that there will always be dawns that are certain like God’s coming.

Day 22: Listen to the Land

In today’s first reading we’re asked to pay close attention; be wise; and think in generations. I’m reminded of a Spring Prayer Day we had at our motherhouse in preparation for the creation of a land ethic.

Day 21: Forgiveness of My Neighbour’s Environmental Sins

This parable invites us to consider God’s standards. God, with great generosity, opens the Kingdom and forgiveness to everyone who asks. We create our own hell when we cling to our petty-minded attitudes, passing judgments on others. When we fail to take up God’s offer of forgiveness, and learn to forgive like God does, we continue living together in this hell.