

Climate Change: Our Unity in Love for the Gift of Creation

For the past several months, I have received an avalanche of emails from several environmental organizations. They all had one goal – to get as many people involved in the People’s Climate March as they possibly could. I admit: I had some doubts and trepidations.
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Just Sustainability: A Letter to Pope Francis | Update #4 (FINAL)

The following is the 4th and final in a series of updates that Jim Hug, S.J. is providing from the Just Sustainability: Hope for the Commons Conference at Seattle University from August 7-9, 2014.

Just Sustainability: Dreaming the Possibilities Can Be Exciting and Fun | Update #3

The following is the third in a series of updates that Jim Hug, S.J. is providing from the Just Sustainability: Hope for the Commons Conference at Seattle University from August 7-9, 2014.