
Day 14: Greenwash

The original audiences in today’s readings are admonished for hypocrisy of various kinds. The leaders of Sodom and Gomorrah are instructed to put their house in order, especially in terms of their treatment of the poor. The Psalmist targets ‘talkers’ who proclaim God only with their mouths. Jesus sets his sights on religious experts who impose burdens without doing anything to help others.

Day 13: Creation’s Own Prophetic Voices

Who are our prophets today? It's easy to identify them in hindsight, voices that stirred and empowered the collective conscience of a people to act for change. But in the present, prophetic voices are uncomfortable. We don't want to grant them the title "prophet" because then we'd be obligated to listen, to heed, to change!

Day 12: Prophetic Love: Transformative Listening and Bold Actions

What prophetic voices on the environment are needed today, and how can we best listen to the messages those voices carry?