Fr. James Connor, S.J., the 2014 recipient of the Ignatian Solidarity Network’s Robert M. Holstein Faith Doing Justice Award, passed away today (June 21, 2021) at Manresa Hall in Philadelphia.

The Catholic Mobilizing Network has announced the publication of Dignity and the Death Penalty based on the insights of Sister Helen Prejean, a leading advocate for abolishing the death penalty.

Seattle University has earned a Gold rating through The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) for its commitment to sustainability.

Fr. Fred Kammer

As he prepares to retire from the Jesuit Social Research Institute at Loyola University New Orleans, a look back at his career and vocation reflect Fr. Fred Kammer’s love for God and for justice.

global vaccine equity

The Jesuit network and other Catholic leaders, including Pope Francis, continue to advocate for vaccine patent waivers to increase global vaccine equity as the Biden Administration signals support for the waivers.

An initiative of the Ignatian Solidarity Network, A Parish Journey for Racial Justice and Equity has provided a virtual space to convene parishes across the country to share their efforts for racial justice, as well as to network and learn from other parishes as they consider how to expand their work.

Through a national petition organized by Catholic Mobilizing Network, thousands of Catholics, Catholic organizations, and people of goodwill, including the Ignatian Solidarity Network, are calling on President Biden to fulfill his campaign pledge to dismantle the federal death penalty.

Springing from ISN’s networking calls for immersion coordinators during the pandemic, campus ministers at the University of Detroit Mercy, Canisius College, and the University of Scranton collaborated to plan and host “A Virtual Immersion: The Story of Detroit Through the Lens of Race.”

Jesuit Refugee Service/USA and Jesuit Refugee Service Mexico announced this week the start of a new program designed to respond to the needs of refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced people at the U.S.-Mexico border.

As a network rooted in Catholic tradition and the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, we recognize the need to reflect—not only on this historic moment—but also on the ways that all of us are called to dismantle systemic racism, reimagine policing in our communities, and build a more just and equitable society.  

In February, ISN’s virtual Arrupe Leaders Summits invited emerging high school student leaders attending Jesuit and other Catholic schools across the U.S. to deepen their understanding of “a faith that does justice.”

Mary J. Novak has been named the next executive director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, succeeding Sr. Simone Campbell, S.S.S.

On Earth Day, April 22, 2021, Gonzaga University will officially launch the new Gonzaga Center for Climate, Society, and the Environment.

Over the last year, Asian communities in the U.S. have experienced an increase in targeted, often violent discrimination stemming from hateful rhetoric from American politicians and others. In light of this week’s hate crime in Atlanta, Jesuit colleges and universities have issued statements condemning xenophobic and racist actions and speech.

The 2021 celebration of International Women’s Day this year coincides with an announcement on the newly formed Commission on the Roles and Responsibilities of Women in the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).