Entries by resources

A Catholic Framework for Economic Life

From U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: Provides an “ethical framework for economic life as principles for reflection, criteria for judgment and directions for action. These principles are drawn directly from Catholic teaching on economic life.”

A Place at the Table

A Catholic Re-commitment to Overcome Poverty and to Respect the Dignity of All God’s Children – 2002 Statement from the U.S. Catholic Bishops

CRS Fair Trade

Catholic Relief Services fair trade wing includes resources for learning more about fair trade, incorporating fair trade into your school, community, and/or parish, and promoting fair trade.

Poverty USA Tour

Poverty USA Video: “It’s one impossible choice after another—between food and medicine, getting to work or paying the heating bill. But there are ways out. Tour Poverty USA below and find out what life is like at the poverty line—and how you can help.”