
Try to Talk to People No Matter How Hard

Before our flight took off we were given the routine instruction to turn off our cell phones, for me it marked the beginning of a week of detachment from technology, my daily routine and life as I formerly knew it. As I prepared to power down my phone I received one last text message.
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Super Bowl 2013 – What would you do with $3.7 million?

The average cost for a 30-second Super Bowl commercial will be $3.7 million this year. Yup, we said "million." We are looking for folks interested in sharing the impact this amount of money could have for their social justice issue of passion, in 250 words or less.
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Verbum Dei High School Participates in Arrupe Leaders Summit

Verbum Dei High School students and faculty joined seven other schools at the Ignatian Solidarity Network’s Arrupe Leaders Summit from January 18-20, 2013. The Arrupe Leadership Summit invited emerging student leaders for social justice to spend a weekend strengthening their capacity to effect positive social change while deepening their understanding of the relationship between faith and justice emphasized in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.