fernando cardenal SJ - funeral

Fernando Cardenal: Soy un hombre de esperanza.

Es un testimonio ofrecido por el P. Fernando Cardenal, S.J., en septiembre de 2010. P. Cardenal murió el 20 de febrero de 2016. Traducción proporcionada por Mark Lester, Regional Co-Director de América Central para el Centro de Educación Global, Augsburg College.
fernando cardenal SJ - funeral

Fernando Cardenal: I am a man of hope.

The following is a personal testimony offered by Fr. Fernando Cardenal, S.J., in September 2010. Fr. Cardenal died on February 20, 2016. Translation provided by Mark Lester, Regional Co-Director of Central America for the Center for Global Education, Augsburg College.

Day 13: The Ultimate Sacrifice

Recently at a Black Lives Matter symposium, I was challenged to voice what I wanted, needed and recommended from white people who aspire to become co-conspirators in the dismantling of white supremacy.