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Why I am Participating in Nonviolent Civil Disobedience…Again

Why I feel called to participate in nonviolent civil disobedience for a second time is simple—sometimes I just have to put my body in the way.  
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ISN to Join Hundreds of Faith Leaders at Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children

On Thursday, July 18, ISN will join more than 200 Catholic sisters, priests, brothers, and lay Catholic advocates and immigrants pressuring the Trump administration and Congress to end the immoral and inhumane practice of detaining immigrant children.
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USCCB President Condemns Threat of Widespread Enforcement Actions and New Rule Drastically Limiting Asylum

The president of the USCCB a statement in response to the climate of fear created by the Department of Homeland Security’s announced immigration enforcement actions and the Administration’s new Interim Final Rule to drastically limit asylum.