Day 16: Doors Blown Wide Open

Doors Blown Open

Today’s Readings

I couldn’t help but chuckle when I first read this gospel. Because for me, THIS is Jesus at his best. When Jesus speaks in parables, you better buckle up, because he means BUSINESS. When Jesus uses this parable, he doesn’t sugarcoat anything. He speaks directly to power, reminding us that power is a dangerous thing, if not used responsibly.  

I’ve thought a lot about the last two years, and as we enter this third year of the pandemic, I can’t help but see how much our world has been forever transformed. I have seen in many circles how COVID-19 has been the “great revealer”, finally unveiling the systematic inequalities and disparities that have been bolted into our society. The door guarding the rich man’s house has been blown wide open, and he can no longer ignore the many Lazaruses who’ve been suffering.

Doors Blown Open

The Lazaruses, the people in our society who have been suffering under the weight of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism, and all the other forms of sin that continue to plague our world, have not wavered in their lamenting. Their cries still ring loud.

So—what do we do? When the door has been blown off, and we have no other option than to look at our siblings’ suffering, what do we do? What do we do as the world continues to break, and we find ourselves as resigned as Abraham? 

We prophesy. Because if anything, Jesus unabashedly reminds us that PROPHETS are needed. We need prophets who can sustain the hope for those who cannot hope too long, who can speak to the Pharisees of our times, and who will hold the sufferings of the Lazaruses in our world. How will you use your power to prophesy, beloved? How will you break the doors of injustice wide open?

8 replies
  1. Steve Barnett
    Steve Barnett says:

    We have an opportunity to love our enemies and bless those who persecute us, even when it is difficult for us to forgive because we have been hurt. When I fail, the Holy Spirit can overcome my unbelief and show mercy.

  2. Stella Envulu
    Stella Envulu says:

    I must grow to continuously share the little I have and particularly never ignore one in urgent need.

  3. Janice Meyer
    Janice Meyer says:

    See my book
    ” A Low Country Advent”
    A Daily Devotional Guide

    My writings, presence and, as a
    Board Certified Grief Counselor,
    addressing the profound grief….

    jnmeyerauthor on Instagram

  4. Dr Eileen Quinn Knight
    Dr Eileen Quinn Knight says:

    Even when I was a kid, I knew there was something not right when we went to Florida and when we stopped in Georgia or North Carolina there was a ‘colored’ washroom and another washroom. It seemed odd as the waterfonts had the same delineation. What? Why? Where? When? were questions my parents and others didn’t have an answer for. Although we no longer have these delineations, we still have a long way to go before equality is met. I do believe God knows that we are looking to balance job equity, pay equality, exposure to the wider society through places in the media, schools, churches and other places. But as the author suggests, it is the many ancillary issues that need to be attended to. I want every building, hotel, church open to all. I also want to transform my thinking, so I always give all people a chance to accomplish what they want. This applies to immigrants also. My ancestors (many decades ago) were migrants and eventually were absorbed into the society of New York. They now give back to the society to those organizations that need it, with love and kindness. As the Pope says: “Love your neighbor”. In following the head of the Roman Catholic Church, we show our society that we as the Body of Christ can and will continue to make a difference. Let us all continue to transform the world in the name of the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit.

  5. Vicky
    Vicky says:

    Brings to mind the food closet controversy at our church. At first, anyone who asked was given food. Sadly, some of the recipients took advantage of this resource. Pastor tried to formalize & regulate who was coming to get food. Some parishioners objected.

    The pastor actually wanted to do more for the people by asking parishioners not for more food or money donations, but for their time and talent to “adopt” someone in an effort to get to know them and, hopefully, find a way to lift them from the circumstances that brought them to the food closet so often.

    This is my struggle – sharing my time and abilities to help those less fortunate. I can give money and food, and totally rationalize my lack of personal encounter.

    We are all rich, but in different ways. We can all share what we have.

  6. sonja
    sonja says:

    I think those making a killing in this plandemie are past hearing the cries of the poor. All we can do is live and work in solidarity with those at the bottom of the heap. And send out as much loving compassion, peace and joy as we can through our thoughts and actions as well as in playing music, singing songs, and prayer. May this blessing upon the universe rain down upon the hearts of those hoarding our resources in this world. For never before, is our Creator more present in the world, helping us to survive. If we but take the time to look and listen and trust in Him.

  7. Dr.Cajetan Coelho
    Dr.Cajetan Coelho says:

    Humanity needs new prophets to unleash creative thinking and constructive doing. Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Hosea, Ezekiel, Daniel, John the Baptist, and others – Pray for us.


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