Day 14: Aligning Values With Actions

BY ALYSSA PEREZ MARQUEZ | February 26th, 2024
Today’s readings

“How we live our life is far more important than how we say we live our life.” This quote has been printed over my desk for as long as I can remember. It’s a constant reminder to not just “talk the talk,” but also “walk the walk.” Am I living in congruence with my values? Do I just say that I stand for justice, but then walk by someone on the street without acknowledging their humanity because I am busy or in a rush? Did I actually sign the petition or make the call to my legislator that I just re-posted online?  

With social media, it is tempting to re-post and re-share messages so everyone knows what we stand for, but are we abiding by those when no one is looking? This is the question that the gospel is evoking for us today: are we people who preach important values, but don’t practice them? We need to be mindful of the trap of hypocrisy as it can easily creep up on us in our daily lives.

Today’s gospel reminds us of the value of humility. I would like to think that this is an important value in my life. It doesn’t mean it is easy to practice, though. Last week at work, my colleagues and I were strategizing to meet our ambitious goals. My pride and defensiveness threatened to kick-in and make excuses about all the barriers preventing us from meeting those goals. Instead, I caught myself and took a breath. This allowed me to respond out of curiosity and humility instead of pride and defensiveness. The gospel reading claims that the humble shall be exalted. Can you take some time today to humbly check-in with your values and actions to see if they align? Are you living in congruence with your values? If not, what do you need to reset in your daily life so that you can live with justice as your aim, as today’s first reading exhorts?

1 reply
  1. sonja
    sonja says:

    Living with justice as my aim, is not easy. But I do try to focus on those who need my services most, which are usually those who cannot pay. And trust God to supply my needs. It is not always easy living hand to mouth.


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