
Solidarity: Living the Life Laid out for Us

In preparation for a service immersion trip, it is hard to predict the kind of experience you will have...

“Solidarity: Through love, we are united to one another”

As we walked past the classrooms, beaming faces and tiny hands reached out to us. High pitched “hola’s” followed us everywhere we traveled. Every once in a while, petite hands snaked their way into our grasp or around our waists. We looked down to find shining little eyes staring up at us with curiosity and acceptance. Love poured from their stares, touch, and sweet little voices.
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Solidarity Stories: “Simple” Solidarity

My first experience in Nicaragua was extraordinary and confirmed my notion that when it comes to immersions, there is no such thing as “just another trip.” Past experiences with service immersion trips had me enthusiastic about this opportunity to lead as an assistant director of the Canisius High School Compañeros program. Being partially responsible for eight young men in a foreign country was daunting, yet I was also excited to be in a position of influence for a group of guys who had never had this type of international experience.