
To Change Everything, We Need Everyone

In our letters and phone calls, we articulated many of the justice issues addressed in Laudato Si’-- concerns about the environment, the EPA, the Dakota Access Pipeline, preservation land, and environmental justice to name a few. But we also spoke of refugees, immigrants, education and civil rights.

“Stand With Standing Rock”: Solidarity Through Song

When a high school exposes students to classes such as Gospels-In-Action, in addition to music appreciation and guitar, I think it is natural that these pieces continue to resonate a decade later, manifesting in a song like “Stand With Standing Rock.”

Awareness and Collaboration: Ignatian Carbon Challenge at Walsh Jesuit High School

“I found the Ignatian Carbon Challenge to be a perfect way to live out one [characteristic of] the Jesuit Grad at Grad: committed to justice,” shares Roman Gioglio. “Students hear a lot about this component, and I was ecstatic when I was able to directly do this through the Ignatian Carbon Challenge.”