
A West Virginia Catholic Worker at Standing Rock: Q&A with Nic Cochran

I’m going back as a response to a call from the elders and maybe a call from God. My intention is to be an ally, to go and to listen to what the indigenous people are asking for and then to fulfill those requests.

Laudato Si’ and Christian Service at Cristo Rey San Jose

Sophomores at Cristo Rey San Jose explore the connections between environmental stewardship and social justice.
Ismael Moreno Coto, S.J. and Berta Cáceres
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Pain and Rage for the Loss of Berta Cáceres

"I write to share with you the pain and rage I am left with," says Fr. Ismael Moreno Coto, S.J., regarding the brutal murder of Berta Cáceres, an internationally renowned Honduran indigenous and environmental leader.