
How can you best impact the health of people living in poverty?

Today, the world faces many challenges. With the world’s deep inequalities in the burden of disease and access to care, it can be daunting to face these issues on an individual basis. As a member of the Ignatian Solidarity Network, you believe in a preferential option for the poor in health care. But how can you as an individual best impact the health of people living in poverty?

Best Intentions

We all know the routine – either on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s day, someone asks, “Hey, Carrie, what’s your New Year’s resolution this year?” And then, out of desperation, most of reach for tried and true statements such as losing weight or exercising more. But we all know that somewhere around mid-February, these best intentions for a new way of being fall away in the business of our normal ways.

Former Salvadoran Military Official Responsible for Jesuit Murders To Be Sentenced

Former Salvadoran Vice Minister of Defense for Public Security Inocente Orlando Montano, who is also a defendant in the criminal case pending before the Spanish National Court for his role in the Jesuits Massacre, faces sentencing for federal criminal immigration fraud and perjury.